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Northern Virginia Ethical Society (NoVES)

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January Service Challenge

  • Thursday, January 07, 2021
  • Sunday, January 31, 2021

Its time for our 5th Service at Home Challenge! This month we will continue to focus on Positivity.  Positivity means thinking in an optimistic way, focusing on making life happier and paying attention to the good in people and situations.  Given the events that have occurred in just the FIRST WEEK of 2021, I think we all could use some help focusing on Positivity.  

Set out a jar and fill it with memories of the positive moments in your life.  Do it once a day, once a week or once a month.  Its your jar, you make the rules!

Items can include:

  • cards from friends
  • a cork from a celebratory bottle
  • funny jokes
  • something sweet a friend did
  • accomplished goals
  • a keepsake from a nature walk
  • memories worth saving

2020 took a lot out of all of us, let's endeavor to keep 2021 as positive as we can!

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